Our Mission
We know that San Diegans are respectful and protective of nature in their own backyards. Yet, ensuring that future generations will enjoy all the natural wonders we take for granted today requires more. It requires action—collective action—so that people and nature will always thrive in harmony. This is not a choice. The health of the natural environment is inextricably linked to our own health, and our children's health. That is why End Extinction San Diego, a collective movement to prevent the extinction of local/native species, was formed in 2017.
End Extinction San Diego is a collaboration. From the rich collection of conservation organizations already here, to diverse business and economic interests, to policymakers entrusted with the public good, End Extinction San Diego is multi-faceted. Collective impact is the way to address challenges that are complex, lack simple solutions, and demand significant resources. This is cross-sector collaboration writ large, and it is the model for End Extinction San Diego. Together, we can succeed.
Success is this: thriving habitats and species, living in harmony with a growing population. These are not mutually exclusive; they are mutually dependent.
Learn more here. Be curious and ask questions. Engage others in thoughtful conversation. Take action to protect that which protects us. Be a part of End Extinction San Diego.
Coastal Sage Habitat. Mission Trails Photo: Getty